Zoom2Tube Services

 I download your Zoom recordings, edit as needed, upload the recording to YouTube.

Your Zoom recordings are securely downloaded, and edited as needed or required, then your recordings are uploaded to your YouTube channel. Your recordings can be made public, unlisted, or private. The recordings can also be added to a playlist. At this point, once the recording is safely uploaded to YouTube, your recordings can be deleted from your Zoom room or left as you wish.

Welcome to Zoom2Tube, where I handle all your Zoom video editing needs. With this service, I download your Zoom recordings from your Zoom site, and with expertise, I will edit them as needed, ensuring that your recordings meet your requirements and expectations.

Why should you delete your Zoom recordings?
Zoom is a service, they charge you money to store your recordings, the more recordings you have, the more it costs you. It’s very convenient to have your recordings on Zoom, but it can also become very costly in the long run, they charge a fee every month to store your precious recordings, I can move your Zoom recordings, edit them and upload them to YouTube for a one-time fee per recording.

Have you ever lost a recording that was supposed to be there? I have, this will give you an extra layer of protection for your Zoom recordings.

Moving your recordings to your YouTube channel means your recordings are securely stored at no extra cost to you. You can have your recordings in playlists, your recordings can be public, unlisted, or private.

Who is my client?

You are, you are a busy business person, you use Zoom to conduct business, you want to keep your Zoom recordings and struggle to decide which ones to keep or throw away, and you don’t want to pay extra to save all of your recordings, you would love to be able to remove the extraneous parts of your recordings, the silences, the coughs/sneezes… You want to have a good safe archive of your Zoom recordings. You want to have an organized playlist of your Zoom recordings. You don’t have the time to do this yourself, that’s where I come in! Let me help you!

How I improve your recordings

I take your Zoom recordings and remove the gaps, the silent spaces, I can remove the extraneous chit chat if you want it to be just business, or I can leave it in for more informal recordings.

I can obscure or blur out any parts you wish, including any private information (emails and any account numbers must be obscured per YouTube’s rules, even if the video is private).

Sometimes the sound quality isn’t up to par on your Zoom recordings, I can, within reason fix some sound issues, volume (too high or too low), I will do my best to make your recordings look and sound its best.

I can speed up your videos without affecting the voice quality, this is particularly good if you need other people to watch your videos later and want to save them some time.

My Promise to You

  • I will sign an NDA if you require it.

  • Even without an NDA, I will not discuss or share any of your data with anyone else without your permission.

  • I will not retain copies of your files in any manner, I will safely and securely maintain your files on my computer only to temporarily store them, and edit them, and as soon as they are safely uploaded to YouTube, I will delete your files from my computer.

  • All of your files/recordings belong to you and remain your property.

  • Please ensure that whatever is contained in your video files (video and audio) is acceptable to YouTube and is fully legal, if YouTube deletes or removes your video because of its content, I am not responsible for that in any way.

  • If I am not comfortable with the video or audio content, I reserve the right to refuse service.

What can you do with your 

freshly edited Zoom recordings? 

Businesses can repurpose Zoom recordings 
in several ways to generate revenue:
  • Create Online Courses or Training Programs: Convert recorded meetings or webinars into educational content or courses. These can be sold or offered on a subscription basis.
  • Monetize Webinars or Workshops: Turn recorded webinars or workshops into paid content for individuals or other businesses interested in the topic.
  • Offer Consultation Services: Use recordings to showcase expertise in a particular field and offer consulting services or expert advice for a fee.
  • Content for Paid Memberships or Subscriptions: Establish a membership or subscription model offering exclusive access to recorded content, providing added value to subscribers.
  • YouTube Channel or Podcast Content: Edit and repurpose recordings into engaging videos for a YouTube channel or convert them into podcasts to attract a wider audience and generate ad revenue.
  • Sell Transcripts or Written Materials: Transcribe the recordings and sell the transcripts or written materials as supplementary resources.
  • Licensing or Selling Rights: Depending on the content, businesses can license the recordings to other organizations or sell the rights for reuse or distribution.
  • Promotional Material or Case Studies: Use excerpts or highlights from the recordings for promotional purposes or create case studies showcasing successful interactions or events.
  • By repackaging and repurposing recorded Zoom content strategically, businesses can unlock additional revenue streams while leveraging existing resources.
